Teenager's Hotline
This task is a part of a bank of preformance tasks, which is designed to enhance your repertoire of assessment strategies for evaluating students according to the English Carriculum. This bank of performance tasks has been developed with two man aimes in mind: a conceptual aim and a practical aim. The conceptual aim of the bank is to encourage you to scrutinize the assessment procedures you use in class and examine to what extent these procedures enable you to collect reliable and valid information about students' achievement and progress in an on-going process. In addition, the bank of preformance tasks is designed to promote your understanding that teaching, learning and assessment are intertwined and interdependent in the teaching/learning process. The practical aim of the bank is to provide you, the teacher, with samples of tasks that could be used in the classroom, either "as are" or through adaptation to your specific teaching/learning context, thus ensuring valid and reliable assessment. These tasks may also serve as modles when you design your own skills.